WotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (2024)

Last updated on Jan 01, 2024 at 13:56by Abide1 comment

On this page, you will find out the best PvE talent choices and builds for your Discipline Priest in WotLK Classic, as well as advised glyphs.


Talent Builds for Discipline Priest in Wrath of the Lich King

Discipline Priest has a fairly cookie-cutter spec that aims toboost your healing output as much as possible. There are a few talent pointsthat can be moved around depending on your gear.

This build takes all of the key talents in both the Discipline tree as wellas the Holy tree. The only real alternative choice you have isWotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (1)Improved Healing, requiring you to drop 1 talent point fromWotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (2)Renewed Hope and all 3 points from WotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (3)Focused Will. Doing thisreduces the Mana cost of your WotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (4)Penance by 15%, which equals out to 58Mp5 in combat on paper. Realistically the amount of Mp5 this talent grants willbe lower as you will not always cast WotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (5)Penance on cooldown; expect around40-45 Mp5 from this talent. In very low gear you may need this additional Mp5 tohelp with your sustain, but with more gear it will not be needed.


Important Talents for Discipline Priest in Wrath of the Lich King

In this section we will go over some of the key talents you will use when youare playing a Discipline Priest. Be sure to understand your most importanttalents as they are vital to play the build to its fullest strength.

This removes the cooldown from WotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (7)Power Word: Shield, allowing you to castit constantly, and reduces the Mana cost by 15%. This is the main talent of thespec; without it this build would not work.

This is the main Mana regeneration of the build. Whenever yourWotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (9)Power Word: Shield is fully absorbed, you gain 2.5% of your maximum Mana.While this does have a 15-second cooldown between procs, if multipleWotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (10)Power Word: Shields break at the same time, you will gain Mana for eachshield. This allows you to sustain Mana easily when there is large, predictabledamage being dealt to multiple targets at once.

At first glance this talent seems underwhelming, but over a long period oftime, these absorbs will be one of your highest-healing spells. The absorb fromWotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (12)Divine Aegis can stack to a maximum of 10,000, giving your target ahefty shield.

This talent massively buffs the Discipline spec, being almost entirelyresponsible for how strong it is. First, it gives your WotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (14)Power Word: Shieldan additional 40% Spell Power scaling, which is a huge boost to the amount itwill absorb. Next and more importantly, after casting WotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (15)Power Word: Shield,it increases your Haste by 25%. This along with WotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (16)Enlightenment make itvery easy for you to reach the global cooldown cap of 1 second, allowing you touse even more WotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (17)Power Word: Shields.

The tooltip of this talent is deceiving, as the 25% Haste increase does notgo away until you actually cast a spell. Other instant casts such asWotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (18)Prayer of Mending and channeled spells like WotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (19)Penance do not removethe buff. A crucial part of playing Discipline Priest correctly is keeping this buffactive as much as possible.

This is a Discipline Priest's main healing spell, dishing out a massive healover a very short channel. Over the course of the channel, WotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (21)Penance heals3 times, giving this spell 3 chances to proc talents like WotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (22)Grace andWotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (23)Divine Aegis. When paired with WotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (24) Glyph of Penance andWotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (25)Aspiration, the cooldown of WotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (26)Penance will be reduced down to 8seconds.


Best Glyphs for Discipline Priest in Wrath of the Lich King

Glyphs are a new consumable of sorts introduced in Wrath of the Lich King.Glyphs greatly improve certain spells when you learn them, supporting and evenenabling some builds. Glyphs are not permanently learned, so you will want tocarry multiple glyphs on you so you can change them quickly depending on theraid or boss encounter you are in. Certain glyphs perform better in differentscenarios, so be sure to swap them around appropriately.


Major Glyphs for Discipline Priest in Wrath of the Lich King

  1. WotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (27) Glyph of Power Word: Shield — Seeing as WotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (28)Power Word: Shield isthe central focus point of the Discipline spec, this glyph is required. Theheal generated by this glyph is also capable of Critting, making it even betteras you have multiple talents that increase your Crit Chance, as well as bothWotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (29)Inspiration and WotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (30)Divine Aegis that only proc when youCrit.
  2. WotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (31) Glyph of PenanceWotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (32)Penance is your best healing spell,making this glyph easily one of the best choices you have. When paired withWotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (33)Aspiration, the cooldown of WotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (34)Penance will be reduced down to 8seconds.
  3. WotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (35) Glyph of Flash Heal — Helps with your Mana sustain, especiallywhen paired with WotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (36)Improved Flash Heal.
  4. WotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (37) Glyph of Prayer of Healing — You may want to use this glyph whenyou need to AoE heal, mostly in 10-man Raids. Replace WotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (38) Glyph of Flash Healif you decide to use this.


Minor Glyphs for Discipline Priest in Wrath of the Lich King

  1. WotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (39) Glyph of Fortitude — This helps save Mana through an entire raidnight, and especially if you need to rebuff someone who died in combat.
  2. WotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (40) Glyph of Shadow Protection — Is pretty minor, but will save you abit of Mana throughout an entire raid night.
  3. WotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (41) Glyph of Levitate — Is simply a quality of life feature, savingyou some reagents.



  • 01 Jan. 2024: Updated for Phase 5.
  • 09 Oct. 2023: Reviewed for Phase 4.
  • 18 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Phase 2 release ahead of Ulduar raid release.
  • 02 Sep. 2022: Page added.

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WotLK Classic Discipline Priest Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (2024)


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