Annie's Solo Mission/Transcript (2024)

June: Art by… Gustav Klimt.

Quincy: And…

["L'Arlésienne Suite No. 2" plays]

Leo: Music by Georges Bizet.

The scene starts at the Exterior of the Rocket Room when Quincy and June are blowing the bubbles, Annie enters Rocket for her first flying lessons.

Annie: Hi, I'm Annie. My brother, Leo, is going to teach me how to fly Rocket. There are lots of tricks to learn. Do you want to learn the flying tricks with me? Great!

Leo: Welcome aboard! Have a seat, Annie.

Annie: But, Leo, that's your chair.

Leo: That's right. For your flying lesson, you get to sit in my chair.

Annie: Wow! Thanks, Leo.

[They buckled up]

Leo: Okay, here's your first flying trick. If you want to make Rocket jump up and down over something… You have to reach your arms up really high and then bring them down fast, like this. Reach! Up, down, up, down.

Annie: Try it with me. Reach! Up, down, up, down.

Leo: Yeah, that's it! That will make Rocket go up and down.

Annie: Show me something else, Leo!

Leo: All right, here's an even harder one. The squeeze trick. It's a trick for flying Rocket through a really small space. Squeeze! You need to cross your arms and pat your shoulders to the beat, like this. Pat, pat, pat, pat.

Annie: Ooh, the squeeze trick looks hard. Let's try it together. Can you cross your arms and pat your shoulders to the beat? Yeah. We did it! Annie: Leo, teach me one more trick! Please!

Leo: Okay, but this is the hardest flying trick of all. Are you sure you're ready for it?

Annie: I'm ready!

Leo: Okay, it's called the loop the loop maneuver.

Annie: Whoa. The loop the loop maneuver. Rocket can do that.

Leo: He can, but it's really hard. You have to clap your hands in a circle to the beat, like this. Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap!

Annie: Let's try it. Clap in a circle with me!

Leo: Whoo-hoo! You're doing it!

Quincy: Hey, guys. You've got to see this. June and I are blowing bubbles.

June: Only they're more than bubbles. They're super bubbles!

Quincy: They're the biggest bubbles ever!

June: They're humongous.

Leo: Whoa.

Annie: That's big.

Leo: Amazing.

Annie: I love it! Everybody wait here. I'm going to get my camera and take a picture of the super bubbles.

June: Let's make it even bigger.

Quincy: Yeah! Let's make it huge!

[They all blow a bubble together; it gets so big, it traps them inside and carries them away]

Quincy: Uh-oh, I think we made this bubble a little… TOO BIG!!

[They disappear right before Annie and June comes out]

Annie: Hmm. I wonder what happened to my friends. Do you see where they are! Where? [Gasps] Oh, no! They're floating away in a super bubble! Leo! Quincy! Are you okay?

Quincy: Yes, we're fine!

Leo: Annie, you have to fly Rocket to come and save us!

Annie: Me?! But I've never flown Rocket by myself before!

Leo: You can do it, Annie! You're ready!

Quincy: Annie, go for it!

June: We believe in you!

Annie: I have to fly Rocket all by myself and rescue my friends! I know I can do it.

June: But we need you to help us!

Annie: But I'm going to need help. Will you fly Rocket with me? You will? Great!

June: We've got a mission! We need to fly Rocket and rescue our Leo and Quincy from the super bubble! To Rocket!

[She boards Rocket alone]

June and Annie: I've got a mission!

Annie: Come on! Welcome aboard.

June: It's time for blast off.

Rocket: [Jingles]

Annie: Yes, Rocket.

Annie: I have to do blast off all by myself today.

June: But don't worry.

Annie: I know what to do.

Annie: First, we need to buckle our… seatbelts!

Annie: Yeah!

June and Annie: Seatbelt buckled.

Annie: Prepare for blast off!

Annie: We need to give Rocket a lot of power to blast off.

Annie: Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat.

[Rocket revving]

Annie: June is patting We need more power Put your hands on your lap and pat with me! Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat. Faster! Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat!

Annie: Now raise your arms as high as you can and say Blast off!

June and Annie: Blast off!

June: Hold on tight! Because, here we go!

Annie: Whoa.

Annie: Oh.

Annie: We did blast off all by ourselves!

Annie: We're flying just like Leo.

Annie: Hang on, team!

June: Annie and Rocket to the rescue!

Annie: I don't see the super bubbles. Rocket, can you help us find Leo and Quincy?

Rocket: [Jingles of his plan about the look and listen scope]

Annie: Good idea, Rocket: We can use the look and listen scope.

June: Let's listen for the super bubbles' song It goes like this.

Annie: Maybe the bubbles are at the Great Salt Lake in Utah.

June: Does that sound like the super bubbles? No, that's not their song. The super bubbles didn't go that way.

Annie: Let's listen at a farm in Scotland.

June: Does that sound like the super bubbles? No, the super bubbles didn't go there.

Annie: Let's try listening to the French Alps.

June: Does that sound like super bubbles?

Annie: Yes!

Annie: You're right!

Annie: It's the super bubbles!

Annie: Hurry, Rocket!

Annie: Our friends are floating to the French alps.

Annie: Wahoo!

June: These are the French Alps where we heard the super bubbles, But I don't see them.They must have floated behind one of the mountain.

Annie: Maybe if I sing, our friends will hear. Here I come, I'm off to save my friends, I'm flying Rocket, can you hear my rescue song?

Annie: I need to sing louder,

Annie: Will you sing with me?

Annie: Great.

Annie: The rescue song goes like this.

Annie: Here I come, I'm off to save my friends, I'm flying Rocket, can you hear my rescue song?

Annie: Sing with me.

Annie: Here I come, I'm off to save my friends, I'm flying Rocket, can you hear my rescue song?

All but Annie: Yes, we can, we hear your rescue song, you're flying Rocket and you'll save us all.

Annie: I hear them.

Annie: Do you see our friends?

Annie: Where.

Annie: You found them.

June: Here we are.

Quincy: Over here.

Leo: Annie June you found us.

Annie: Uh-oh.

Annie: The super bubbles are going up and down over the alps.

Annie: We have to follow them.

Annie: But how.

Annie: Good idea, Rocket.

Annie: We know how to fly Rocket up and down.

Annie: Leo taught us, remember.

Annie: Can you show me how to make Rocket go up, down, up, down.

Annie: Yeah.

Annie: Let's try it together.

Annie: We reach our arms up really high, and bring them down fast.

Annie: Reach.

Annie: Up, down, up, down.

Annie: That's it.

Annie: Follow those super bubbles, Rocket.

Annie: Here come two mountain.s

Annie: Reach.

Annie: Up, down, up, down.

Annie: Up, down, up, down.

Annie: We're doing it.

Annie: Rocket is going up and down over the alps.

Annie: Look, look, look.

Annie: Here come two more mountains.

Annie: And they're even taller than the others.

Annie: Let's help Rocket go up and down even more.

Annie: Reach.

Annie: Up, down, up, down.

Annie: Up, down, up, down.

Annie: Whoo-hoo.

Annie: Oh-no.

Annie: Here come the two biggest mountains in the French alps.

Annie: Do the up down move as big as you can.

Annie: Ready?

Annie: Reach.

Annie: Up, down, up, down.

Annie: Up, down, up, down.

Annie: Yay.

Annie: We made it,

Annie: That was great flying.

Annie: We're really getting the hang of this.

Annie: Aw, thanks, Rocket,

Annie: You were good too.

Annie: Now let's find our friends.

Annie: Sing with me.

Annie: Here I come, I'm off to save my friends, I'm flying Rocket, can you hear my rescue song?

Annie: Uh-oh.

Annie: They didn't hear us.

Annie: Sing louder.

Annie: Here I come, I'm off to save my friends, I'm flying Rocket, can you hear my rescue song?

All but Annie: Yes, we can, we hear your rescue song, you're flying Rocket and you'll save us all.

Annie: They heard us.

Annie: Do you see where they are?

Annie: Where.

Annie: Yes.

Annie: There they are.

Annie: Leo.

Annie: June.

Annie: Quincy.

Annie: Here I am.

Annie: We're coming to rescue you.

June: Amazing.

June: She flew over all those mountains.

Quincy: Whoo-hoo.

Quincy: Way to go, Annie.

Annie: Uh-oh!

Annie: The super bubbles are floating between the cliffs.

Annie: They're going through the Verdon Gorge.

Annie: Those cliffs are really close together.

Annie: How are we going to follow them.

Leo: Annie, you know how to fly through a small space.

Leo: Just remember what I taught you.

Annie: Oh yeah.

Annie: I remember.

Annie: Leo taught us the squeeze trick,

Annie: Can you show me the squeeze trick?

Annie: Right.

Annie: We cross our arms and pat our shoulders to the beat.

Annie: Squeeze.

Annie: Do it with me.

Annie: It's working.

Annie: We're squeezing through the gorge.

Annie: Uh-oh.

Annie: But the cliffs are getting even closer together.

Annie: We need to help Rocket squeeze together.

Annie: Pat softly with me.

Annie: Piano.

Annie: Even softer.

Annie: Pianissimo.

Annie: Hooray.

Annie: We did it.

Annie: We flew Rocket through the whole gorge.

Annie: Pretty great for our first time flying.

Annie: Rocket thinks so too.

Annie: Thanks, Rocket,

Annie: I hear something.

Annie: What is making that music.

Annie: Yeah.

Annie: It's the super bubbles.

Annie: Our friends must be close.

Annie: Come on.

Annie: Let's sing with them.

Annie: Here I come, I'm off to save my friends, I'm flying Rocket, can you hear my rescue song?

All but Annie: Yes, we can, we hear your rescue song, you're flying Rocket and you'll save us all.

Annie: There they are.

Annie: Here I come.

Leo: Hurry.

Leo: The wind is blowing us to a bridge.

Quincy: And a castle.

June: And a tunnel.

All but Annie: Annie, be careful.

Annie: Uh-oh.

Annie: We're going to have to fly under the bridge, over the castle, and through the tunnel.

Annie: Well, we know how to do the up down move.

Annie: And we know how to do the squeeze trick.

Annie: But now we're going to have to do both of them.

Annie: Will you do them with me?

Annie: Yay.

Annie: Let's go for it.

Annie: Here comes an aqueduct.

Annie: Get ready for the squeeze trick.

Annie: Squeeze.

Annie: Watch out for the castle.

Annie: Reach.

Annie: Up, down, up, down.

Annie: Two more towers.

Annie: Reach.

Annie: Up, down, up, down.

Annie: Reach.

Annie: Up, down, up, down.

Annie: Squeeze.

Annie: Up, down, up, down.

Annie: Whoo-hoo.

Annie: This is amazing.

Annie: We're doing great.

Annie: Our friends must be really close now.

Annie: Help me sing with them.

Annie: Here I come, I'm off to save my friends, I'm flying Rocket, can you hear my rescue song?

All but Annie: Yes, we can we hear your rescue song, you're flying Rocket and you'll save us all.

Annie: There they are.

Quincy: Annie.

June: We're floating into the clouds.

Leo: Come quick.

Annie: Hang on tight.

Annie: I'm coming to rescue you.

All but Annie: Whoa.

Annie: Oh my goodness.

Annie: The super bubbles are doing loop the loop.

All but Annie: Whoa.

Annie: That's the hardest flying trick of all.

Annie: But wait.

Annie: Leo taught us the loop the loop maneuvers.

Annie: Can you show me the the loop the loop maneuvers.

Annie: Yeah.

Annie: Try it.

Annie: We clap our hands in a circle to the beat.

Annie: Do it with me.

Annie: Yes.

Annie: We're doing the loop the loop maneuvers.

Annie: Yahoo.

Quincy: Go, Annie.

June: Incredible.

Leo: You're doing great.

Annie: We're getting close.

Annie: Keep clapping in the circle.

June: Hooray.

Quincy: Whoo-hoo.

Leo: Yay, Annie.

Leo: You did it.

Leo: You save us.

June: You were outstanding.

Quincy: I cannot believe it.

Quincy: You flew Rocket all by yourself.

June: That was some of the best flying I've ever seen.

Leo: I knew you were ready to fly Rocket by yourself.

Leo: I'm so proud of you.

Annie: Thanks, Leo.

Annie: But I couldn't have done it with out you.

Annie: You can fly with me anytime.

Leo: Mission completion!

[Baton jingles]

Leo: It's time for the curtain call!

[Applause and cheering]

Leo: Let's clap for our team! Clap with us! Let's clap for Annie! Quincy! June!

Others: Leo!

All: Rocket!

[Rocket jingling]

June: Let's clap for the art! Clap for "Expectation" by Gustav Klimt!

Leo: And now, for the moment you've all been waiting for.

Leo: Let's clap really, really hard for the special music we've heard today!

["L'Arlésienne Suite No. 2" plays]

Leo: L'Arlésienne Suite Number 2, Farandole by Georges Bizet.

All: Yay, Bizet!

June: You helped a lot today.

Quincy: Give yourself a hand.

Quincy: Go on.

Quincy: Clap for yourself.

June: Bravo!

Annie: Yay for you!

June: Bravo!

Leo: See you on the next mission!

[All Super Bubbles are doing a loop de loop from the stage]

All: [Laughing]

Annie's Solo Mission/Transcript (2024)


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